Another quick and easy mod to use if for a stick grip. I first saw this done by Pekka Rinne (the Finnish great who obviously isn't doing too well coming off an an unexpected layoff due to surgery complications) and thought it'd be worth copying. Always preferring a grip when playing in goal, I thought it would be useful and highly recommend it. Kind of acts as a minimal buffer against harder shots but also is handy for gripping the stick with a 'trigger grip', with the taped grip providing something to grip on to in the ready stance.
To complete the grip, I used a more buffed grip produced for field hockey sticks, to give a greater density to hold onto the stick with, then taped over with electric tape to clean up the edges!
Rinne uses this for his sticks. And Lundqvist does similar with his. Although you need to be beady eyed (like a hawk), you should be able to get just enough of a good look at Rinne's stick (especially when he drops it to 'ice' the puck with his blocker hand a la Hasek style!) in the video clip below:
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